Friday, May 09, 2008


I don't understand boys. It's an anthem that I have been singing for years. Why do boys think burping the alphabet is a talent? Why is everything a competition? Why do we have to watch SportsCenter at 7:30 every morning since we just watched the same one at 10:30 the night before? How can they not care if their shirt doesn't match their shorts? My personal favorite, why do they think they can leave the house with chocolate milk still on their face? I just don't get it. Can someone please explain this to me?
I have realized that my 10 year old son is not that different from my 35 year old husband. I am in amazement how much they are alike. I've heard it said that boys are simple, their whole life is food, sleep, sports, and girls; not necessarily in that order, but those are the basics. As I watch my son get older I'm beginning to see that to be true. A few months ago we were watching a football game and they showed the cheerleaders and I said, "She has a cute haircut." my sons reply, "She had hair." My husband laughed and I was speechless. He was 9 at the time.

I think I may be in trouble. Kyler has taught me a few things, for instance, that having an ERA of 2.89 is a good thing, that you can't play football with 12 men on the field, there is a difference between PS2 and XBOX, and my personal favorite, even though I still don't understand boys, he is a gift from God. I just have to read the directions that HE provides me and do the best I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nikki! What a blast from the past. It is good to see that you are doing well and loving not being in a small town. Me too.... haha
Keep in touch.