Friday, May 16, 2008

Marshmallowy Clouds

On my way to work today I looked up at the bright blue sky. We haven't had very many of those recently and it was a nice treat to see. It was also filled with clouds; not little wispy ones, but the great big white marshmallowy ones. All of a sudden I was taken back to laying in the backyard that I grew up in. Sometimes the boy who lived across the street and I would lay on our backs and watch the clouds. We would try to make animals or shapes out of them. He didn't like to lay there very long but he would for a minute, sometimes two, and we would just watch the clouds.
That same boy taught me how to shoot a free throw. He would hit me in the leg with a baseball when he was learning how to pitch. He would ride along side me on my go-cart, even though I had thrown him off a few times. He would rescue me from a mouse that had taken up residence in my room. He was the first boy that I got to boss around, since I was the older, by a whole 2 months and a few days, and because I was the girl and I said so. It's funny how something as simple as clouds in the sky can trigger a thousand memories.
Like children do we grew up, moved away, and have families of our own now. When I go back home to my parents house I sometimes look over at his drive way and remember all the wonderful days we spent together doing nothing. He was my first best friend.

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