Monday, May 03, 2010

a new beau?

So I met this boy.
That is the sentence that best describes the smile on my face. I had forgotten what it was like in the beginning, when you are just getting to know someone. You walk around with this silly grin on your face and people wonder what you’re up to. Your tummy does flip flops when you see his name pop up on your phone. It’s joy in the purest form.
Before I started meeting new people I made a list of “must haves” and “deal breakers”. Imagine me making a list of what I want, crazy huh? The lists are short, simple, in no particular order, and are very cut and dry.
The Must Haves
Must love baseball
Must love my friends
Must have faith/relationship in/with God and our beliefs must be equally yoked
Must have an income
Must have a sense of humor
Must know my worth and value
Must understand and accept me for me.
The Deal Breakers
A bad kisser
Not liking children
Being a police officer, a fireman, or in the military
Being more than 3 years younger than me or 10 years older than me
Bad teeth
Bad breath
Simple right? I was not specific on the package. I don’t care if he is tall, short, chubby, fit, bald or a head full of hair. I am looking for more important things. I'm really trying to look inside the box and not focus on the wrapping paper.
This boy, Jack, no last name yet, just Jack, is turning out to have all the Must Haves and none of the Deal Breakers. He’s honest, gets my stupid humor, appreciates my random thoughts, he’s useful, knows the value of a woman and how to treat her, he has a strong faith and relationship with God, he makes me laugh, and his lips are the softest I have ever touched. He holds my hand and smiles. He looks at me like I’m the only person in a room full of people. He sends me random questions throughout the day like, “Doors or Beatles?” Who does that? Oh yea, I do that.
I am trying to stay open minded and not put labels on guys during this process. I want to be open to whatever is out there even if it’s not in the normal packaging. Jack is not the normal packaging. First, of all he is from texas. That’s right from texas. An OKLAHOMA GIRL with a texas boy, seriously? Second, he has tattoos and an earring. Technically neither one is on the list as a deal breaker, but really? One or two tattoos are okay, I can deal with that, but nine, come on. The earring, let’s just say no longer an issue, gone after the second date. His face is very kind with a hint of too much sun. His eyes sparkle when he smiles and are the purest blue. He has salt and pepper sprinkled in his hair, which is very sexy. His voice, I get lost in it. It has a touch of southern sweetness, a dash of bass, and it is mesmerizing to me. I have yet to figure it out exactly. He is doing the one thing that I never thought possible; he is turning me into a touchy feely person. I know a TOUCHY FEELY person. When I’m next to him I find myself wanting to hold his hand or rub my hand across his back. What’s happening to me? I have no idea, but instead of sitting back trying to figure it out, I’m going to enjoy the ride and pray it's not a train wreck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME!! I can't wait to hear more about it!
Hope you are well.
Love you friend!