Friday, May 14, 2010

karma, karma, karma

Newton's Third Law of Motion states,"That for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." I have also thought that is true in all areas of life, not just in physics. In the Hinduism and Buddhism religions they refer to it as "Karma." In Galatians the bible tells us that we "reap what you sow."
Karma, in Hinduism and Buddhism, determines a person's destiny in their next incarnation. For me karma has nothing to do with reincarnation. It's simply, we get what we give. That all our actions reflect back upon us, in one form or another. It is an unavoidable consequence of our actions. When we create anything, we also create other things which might not be what we intended.

Stay with me, I promise I have a point. First, let me give you some background. In January (before our divorce was final) Kevin's "friend," showed up to a few of Kyler's games. I kindly went over to her and introduced myself. Yes, I said kindly. I was very nice. Then in March she came to a baseball tournament. I even introduced her to a few of the parents. I thanked her for being a part of Kyler's life and told her how much Kyler enjoys spending time with her and her girls. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I did it because I knew that it was important for Kyler to see us all get along. Also, to show Kevin that I could accept him seeing with someone else.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago Jack (the new beau), came to one of Kyler's basketball games. Kevin was sitting directly across from us on the other side of the court. We were right in his line of sight, not on purpose, that's just how it worked out. It took him about five minutes to get up and move to the end of the court where he could not see us. After the game, he waited for Kyler and walked out of the gym as fast has he could. He even walked on the far side of the gym so he couldn't possibly run into us. I was a little surprised, considering how I had treated his "friend."
I was hoping that by being nice to her, he would in turn by nice or at least cordial to whoever I dated. One of my friends said, "Are you on drugs? You expect him to be nice now. It's a little different when the shoe is on the other foot so to speak." Oh well, I guess it was wishful thinking?

It has been a year since Kevin moved out. I often wonder if he has any regrets about his actions over the last year. The choices he has made. I wonder if he has realized what he threw away. I wonder if he has had any "negative karma" come his way. It's not that I really care, but a small piece of me would really like to know if he is reaping what he has sown.
We have been studying about unconditional love in our Wednesday night bible study. The timing could not have been any better for me. I have learned no matter what has happened to me or what others have done in the past, I still need to show them unconditional love.
I have definitely moved on. I am very happy with Jack and the new direction my life is going in and I can't wait to see what is around the next bend.

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