Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

It’s estimated that Americans spent well over $13 billion on Valentine’s Day this year. Most people spend an average of $100, including the flowers, the candy, and dinner all in the name of love. Love is apparently big business.
On Friday I was given a small box of conversational hearts. You know the ones that taste like chalk and have different sayings on them. The first one I pulled out of the box said “good bye.” I don’t think that’s a good sign.
I have never been a big fan of this Hallmark Holiday, but this year was especially awful. At church on Sunday, I had people look at me in the most sad and pathetic way. They would walk up to me, put their hand on my shoulder, tilt their head, and say, in the kindest voice, “I sure do love you today.” I know deep down what they were really saying with the head tilt was, “I’m so sorry you have no one to love you today. Maybe if you were not such a horrible person you would still have a husband to hold your hand, kiss your cheek, and tell you how much he loved you today.” Well, maybe that’s not what they were saying but the head tilt is the worst. I would just smile and say, "Thank you, I love you too.” I know that they love me and I know that they mean well, but seriously the head tilt. Come on!
Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in true love and I’m truly happy for those that have found their “soul mate,” whatever that means. My question is, “Why do people in love think that those of us who are not in love are unhappy?” I’m not saying I’m happy, but I’m okay. It was touch and go for a while, but I’m good now. I don’t understand it. I was never a person that thought just because I was married the whole world needed to be married. I really wish people could see that I’m trying to love who I am now, in this moment in my life. I am certain God will bring someone for me and Kyler at some point, now is not the right time. Only He will decide when the time is right not anyone else, but please, please, please in the mean time no more head tilts.

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