Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"Wisdom through Experience"

I was lucky to have my grandparents live close to me growing up. I used to think that they knew something about everything. I asked my Granma once how she knew so much, her answer was simply, "I'm old, I've seen a lot and been through a lot in my time."
The name of the company that I work for uses the words "Wisdom through Experience" as a tag line. Our very name, SAGE, means characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment and/or having wisdom that comes with experience. Honestly, I use to think that was somewhat egoistical. Over time I have seen that it wasn't about their ego's it was their confidence, the lessons that they had learned from past mistakes to use good judgement now, and not to repeat those mistakes.
My dad use to say that I pull my soapbox behind me in a wagon so I can get on it whenever I want. Well, Dad, I think it's time to get on my box. Now, more than ever, is the time to use prudence and good judgement. Last night we watched the second Presidential Debate and the question was asked, "If Israel was attacked would you, as President, wait for UN approval/support to go in and support Israel?" Senator McCain did not hesitate to say, yes he would send troops and support Israel and not wait on UN approval. Senator Obama's answer was much different, in fact there was no answer. The answer he provided was that they are our biggest ally in the Middle East and we should try to prevent anything from happening, try to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, try to keep the peace. That's great, but what would you do if they were attacked? There were many other questions and lack of answers from both men, but that is the one that stuck with me. I could go on, but I'll stop there for now.
I don't agree with everything Senator McCain wants to do, if elected. I also don't believe that being a POW entitles you to be President, but character, love for this country, fighting for what is right, and moxie are all qualities I would want our next leader to hold. I'm not telling anyone who they should vote for, your vote is your vote cast it how you wish. However, I would just ask you to think about this: Proverbs 22:6 states, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." If wisdom comes through experience, what wisdom and experience does Senator Obama have to lead us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey!!! i saw what you posted on our blog!!!! ya turd!!
Jason LOL