Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry, Another List

I was looking on and how the Dow closed up today +936.42 (+11.08%), yeah! I'm not trying to sound smart and like I have money tied to the markets, but in my office it is conversation. Like everyone else I have been hearing a lot of "gloom and doom predictions" and how we better be prepared for a turn for the worst. While I was looking at the markets I came across this fun and challenging exercise. The exercise is simple, you must list 10 THINGS that are GOING WELL in YOUR LIFE TODAY. It comes from "Frugal Zeitgeist" who observes that it's "cheaper than therapy and healthier than alcohol." So here goes:
10 Things that are Going Well in My Life Today
1) I have a God that has forgiven me & all my faults
2) I have someone who loves me & to share my life with
3) Kevin has a new job & is happy
4) Kyler is healthy, happy, and doing well in school
5) My job
6) I have great friends who listen to me whine & who make me laugh
7) I have a roof over my head every night
8) My hairdryer worked this morning, it is just a matter of time
9) I have fabulous shoes (I love my shoes!)
10) I was able to get out of bed today without anything hurting!
As you can tell making the list was harder than I thought it would be and that is truly I have decided to start looking at the glass half full and focus more on the positive things in my life instead of the negative. Maybe if I start looking at the things I already have in my life instead of what I don't, I may just find that my cup has been running over and I never even noticed.

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