Monday, October 27, 2008

A Weekend Without Baseball...

It is amazing what you can do in a weekend when you don't have any baseball to play! We spent Sunday afternoon at the Tulsa Zoo. We NEVER go to the zoo! When I say never I mean NEVER, I think the last time we went was about four years ago. I love it, but living with two boys, I easily get out voted. Sunday was different, I don't know what came over them, but we went and had a great time. So here are some pictures from our baseball free weekend.

Deep thoughts from the Spectacled Bear...

Baby Chimp, Vindi!

Penguins in Tulsa? They must hate the summers.

I know it may be a little trashy, but I love pink flamingos! ahhh, tiger love!!

This is another one of the zoo's new arrivals...

After the flamingo's, the giraffes are my next favorite!
There was a slight breeze on Sunday and he kept leaning over as far as he could to get the leaves when the wind would blow!

This was on the train ride...I thought you might want to see a picture of Kyler without a baseball uniform on or a catchers mask!

Kyler took this one of us, sorry it's out of focus..and yes this is Kevin's happy face!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love your husbands "happy face" too funny!