Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's Your Dirty Little Secret?

Do you remember watching Father Knows Best or Leave it to Beaver? Me either really, I'm not that old. I do remember the image of the mothers, baking cookies in their high heels and pearls. However, I did watch Happy Days and The Brady Bunch. Mrs. C and Mrs. Brady were the perfect moms. They always knew the right thing to say, always had dinner ready when their husbands came in the door, and did it all looking fantastic. We sometime forget that was television and Mrs. Brady had Alice.
If we can talk among us girls for a moment...not one of us can say we are a perfect mom all the time. I said it, WE ARE NOT PERFECT! As moms we have put so much pressure on ourselves to be everything June Clever was and most of us didn't even watch that show! Lets start embracing our failures, so we can learn from them. I found this excerpt online that made me feel better knowing that I'm not the only mom with secrets:
"You're not the only mom who's forgotten to brush her kids' teeth or cursed in front of her toddler. Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile, both 39, have compiled these confessions and more in their new book, Dirty Little Secrets From Otherwise Perfect Moms. Here, they reveal how they got moms to spill the dirt.
How did you convince so many moms to tell you their secrets?
Trisha: When we interviewed moms for our last book, I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids, we would inevitably ask them, "Are you happy?" They would say, "Well, what do you mean by happy?" That's when they would talk about deeper issues, like feeling guilty about barely keeping it all together, and the confessions would just start pouring out.
Did certain secrets come up again and again?
Amy: Dinnertime was a huge hot button. When we asked about cooking, so many moms said, "Oh, my gosh, dinner just throws me over the edge!" Then we would get confessions like, "I sometimes feed my children macaroni and cheese five nights in a row" or "I get takeout and pass it off as homemade!"
Why do you think they were telling these secrets to you instead of their friends?
Trisha: There's so much pressure to be the perfect mom, and if you admit these secrets, it makes you feel like you're not doing a good enough job. We quickly deduced that there's not a whole lot of honesty about these issues, which makes moms feel like they're all alone. But in truth, we all have those moments when we don't make the best decisions!
Did the moms seem to feel relieved after they confessed?
Amy: Definitely — it was so cathartic! A lot of them started by saying, "I know you've never heard this before, but...." And we felt compelled to say, "Just so you know, this is probably the 10th time we've heard this!"
Okay, what's your dirty little mommy secret?
Trisha: We just gave Amy's two kids and my three kids lollipops and stuck them in front of the TV so we could do this interview!"
Moms, remember this, you were perfect today if you did these three things: hugged your kids, told them you loved them, and fed them, no matter what it may have been!


Anonymous said...

This is a great post!!! It is so true!
have a blast in Muskogee! maybe my family should go there sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...did you know that Jerry, Jason's dad, had a heart attack? he had triple bypass surgery last friday and is at freeman hospital in Joplin.
He's doing better but has gone through alot the last week.