Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Muskogee ~ A Week in Review

We are back and this is what I learned after spending a week in Muskogee, Oklahoma:

  • Muskogee isn't on my Top 10 Places to See & Do, but it wasn't that bad
  • 7 Strike outs = a 7 in Kevin's head
  • A week is a long time to spend with some people
  • An XBox game doesn't stand a chance in a microwave
  • Popping one kernel of popcorn at a time in the microwave is not a good idea
  • You really can cook anything on a grill, including pancakes
  • 10 boys can take over a hotel
  • Some people are "doers" and some people are "watchers"
  • Are boys are brothers; they win together and lose together
  • There really is such a thing as Karma
  • You can never smile or laugh to much
  • Our boys brought home 4th place trophies from the World Series

Muskogee will always be a place where "even squares can have a ball" even if it is baseball!

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