Wednesday, July 28, 2010

4th of july weekend

Yes, I know that it's almost August but I still need to post something fun for July. So here goes...
Kyler and I went to Memphis with my parents, actually they tagged along with us which was awesome! I love that my parents are retired! It's awesome! We had a great time! Why Memphis? It's a long story, but Kyler wanted to see a "real" zoo with panda bears. I know he's a random child, good or bad I think that's the one thing he gets from me. Back to the story, Memphis is one of the four zoo's in the US that has panda's so that's why Memphis. Once we decided on the date Kyler took over! He planned the entire trip, except the hotel, where we went, what we did, and where we ate. He got online and Googled the show "Diners, Drive-In's, and Dives" to see what restaurants have been featured so we could eat there! I thought it was very resourceful, but I also took it as a big red flag that I was watching too much Food Network while he is home and have since cut back.
Here are a few pictures from our trip. I have never been a great photographer of fireworks, so yes I know they sorta look like static electricity. Anyway I hope you enjoy and all comments are welcome.

You should have known we would fit in a ball game!

Walk off home run, Redbirds win!

The post game fireworks show was amazing!

Sun Studio where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, & others got their start. The birthplace of Rock-n-Roll!

Memphis Hard Rock on Beale Street

Dyer's...featured on Diner, Drive-In's and Dives for their deep fried hamburgers! (It was good, but not as good as Ku-Ku's!)
Neely's BBQ, the owners are the hosts of "Down Home with the Neely's" on Food Network! The BBQ Spaghetti was surprisingly yummy!

Memphis Zoo (I love giraffes!)

Swimming Time!

The napping Panda's! They slept the entire time we were there.

Komodo Dragon

The bird house!

Kyler and Dad love these things. I think they stopped at everyone and dropped a quarter in just to watch it go around in circles.

Mom and Dad with the kitty cats.
Me and Kyler taking a break!

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