Friday, June 18, 2010

all in god's time...

We have all heard that “God is never late. He will show up in His own time.” Have you ever wondered how His time compares to ours? In 2 Peter 3:8 the author writes, “…you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord and a thousand years is like a day.” This is one of the moments that I love the Internet! I found the website and by using the above verse we are able to see how God’s Time contrasts to Man’s Time. Thank goodness to, because I’m sure I could not have done the math by myself!

“MAN’s Time Line = GOD’S Time Line
1000yrs = 1day
500yrs = 12 hrs
250yrs = 6hrs
125yrs = 3hrs
62yrs & 6 mos = 1hr & 30mins
31yrs & 3mos = 45mins
15yrs & 7mos & 15days = 22mins & 30secs
7yrs & 9mos 22days 12hrs = 11mins & 15 secs
3yrs & 10mos 26days 3hrs = 5mins 37secs 30mili
1yr 11mos 13days 1hr 30secs = 2mins 48secs 45mili
11mos 21days 12hrs 30min 15secs = 1min 24sec 22.5mili
5mos 25days 18hrs 15min 7sec 30mili = 42secs 11.25mili
2mos 27days 21hrs 7min 33secs 30mili = 21secs 5.625mili
1mon 13days 22hrs 33min 46secs 45mili = 10secs 32.81mili
21days 13hrs 16min 53sec 22.5mili = 5secs 16.40mili
10days 18hrs 38min 26sec 16.25mili = 2secs 38.20mili
5days 9hrs 19min 13secs = 1sec 19.1mili”

The current life expectancy of a woman in the United States is 79.5 years, for men it's 74.1 years. Now look at the chart, did you get it? Not the fact that on average women out live men by 5.4 years, God gives women those years to relax. Here is what I was hoping you caught, according to God's watch we have less than 2 hours to do what He has called us to do.
Think about this, Jesus spent 33 years on earth doing the will of God. That is less than an hour in God's world. I have spent more time picking out shoes! Did I just compare the time that Jesus spent on earth to buying shoes? Maybe that wasn't the best comparison, but I'm trying to make a point: our concept of time is so different than God’s. I know I haven’t made some huge monumental discovery, but now the saying, “God will show up in His own time” has a brand new meaning for me. I finally get it. We have previously established that I’m not the fastest car on the track, so no comments will be needed.
When I take a dilemma or question to God and I get an answer within a week, according to the table above, He answered my prayer in less than 2 seconds! TWO SECONDS! If I pray for an issue for a month or even a year before I get a response, “I’m thinking why is it taking Him so long?” According to His clock He answered me in a minute or less! ONE MINUTE! I don’t give Kyler an answer that quick. Are you getting it? How fast do we expect God to answer us?
I know as a parent I want to think about how I’m going to answer Kyler when he asks me a question. I don’t just give him a response because he wants one at that very second. I think about what is best for him, not just what he wants. Why wouldn’t God be the same way? Taking His time to think about what is best for us, in every situation, and how He wants to answer or counsel us. Aren't we HIS children?
As I sit here and type, I have started thinking about the fact that I take time for granted. I think all of us are a little guilty of thinking we have plenty of time. After looking over the comparison chart, in God’s reality we don’t, we have less than two hours. I guess what I'm asking, “What are we really doing with our time?” Are we doing what God asks us to do? Are we doing what He calls us to do? Or are we doing what we want to do because, “life is short and we should make the best of it?”
Life is short and we spend so much of our time running from God out of our own selfishness, fear of being uncomfortable, shyness, or pride. It’s in our nature to be that way, because most of the time the things God wants us to do will more than likely require us to get out of our comfort zone. We are going to have to get up off the couch, put our feet on the floor, and move. If we put the same amount of time and energy into doing what God asks us to do than we spend running from Him, maybe we wouldn’t be so tired all the time.
When He calls us He provides the time, the power, the energy, the boldness, all of the resources to complete the task. We just have to trust in HIM. What are we going say when He asks us to do something, “Sorry Lord, I don’t really have time or I don’t think I have the energy to do that today, maybe tomorrow?” Seriously? What if we don’t get a tomorrow?
It all comes back to Our Time or His Time and which one are we going to set our watch to?

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