Monday, July 13, 2009


I am so guilty of watching those home improvement shows and saying, "I think I could fix that." Then, when they show you step by step how to do the project, I start saying, "I know I could fix that!" Well, I think that is what has happened to my friends. They have watched to many DIY shows and I have become the project! I have had more invitations to hang out, stay for dinner, meet for lunch, get a coffee in the last six weeks than I have had in the last six months! I love my friends and appreciate everything they are doing for me. I don't know how I will ever be able to repay them, but I have to say I snicker a little inside every time they call.
I think they are worried that I'm still in my pajama's sitting on my couch eating cake batter and watching old movies waiting for the phone to ring. Let me set the record straight, that only happened once and it took me about 10 minutes to put the spatula down and get dressed. I'm doing much better now, seriously, I am. Just this past week a guy in my office said, "Nikki, you're laughing and smiling, it's glad to have you back." I didn't realize how long it had been, apparently I was on sabbatical the entire month of June.

I know everyone is concerned and they are trying to keep my mind off the reality of my situation, but the truth is if I don't stop to look at it every once in a while I won't know how to live in it. My heart is touched every time someone calls, emails, or even texts me, I never knew I had so many people who loved me. I am truly blessed. I love that they are trying to "fix" me, but I don't think they have a big enough band aid this time. I think this one might take a few stitches and some very strong pain killers, now if you have some of those bring them over and lets have lunch.

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