Friday, April 24, 2009

War Wounds

On Wednesday nights Kyler's baseball team plays in a competitive league. Well, this week as time was expiring Kyler was up to bat and fouled tipped a ball off the end of his bat right into his mouth. On Thursday I took him to work with me and we went to the orthodontist just to make sure there were no fractures, loose teeth, or broken brackets. After a panoramic x-ray, some examining, and little joking around the doctor confirmed that everything is fine. He just has a really fat lip, some bruising, and lace marks on his chin! I took the below pictures with my Blackberry so they are not the best, but I think you can get the idea!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor Kyler!!! I liked all the baseball pictures..even though i have no idea what any of those stats mean!!