Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A Return to Church

I had the experience of growing up in a Christian home, thanks to Jerry & Colleen Von Moss. They were the ones that invited my parents to go to their church when I was just three. Some of my earliest memories as a child are getting up early on Sunday morning and going with my dad, Jerry, and Jason to a local nursing home. While they would help to conduct an early morning service Jason and I would sit in the lounge and eat Twinkies and donuts and watch cartoons.
Sunday's were always the most predictable days in our house; Sunday morning church, roast for lunch, my grandparents for an afternoon visit, back home by four, because we had discipleship training at five, and church at six. We went rain, snow, sleet, or hail. (Don't forget Wednesday night services at seven.) We were at church every time the doors were opened it seemed.
As I got older it seemed that we became more distracted. We were spending more time at the lake and other activities. Somehow going to church was not a priority anymore. I know that they didn't wake up one morning and say we are no longer going to church, I'm not placing blame, it just seemed to happen that's all. It has been 15 years or longer since my parents attended a church on a regular basis.
On August 1st Mom and I were in the car on our way to Little Rock for Kyler's appointment at ACH and out of nowhere she says so casually, "Guess where me and your dad went last Sunday." My response, "I have no idea, where?" Not expecting the next words to come out of her mouth would be, "We went to church." I couldn't believe it, it showed in my profound answer, "What? Where did you go? Why? What brought this on?" It was not my finest moment. Instead of being happy I think I was in shock. My mom, calm, almost coy, answered all my questions simply saying, "We went to church. We went to First Baptist, but we are going to visit some others. I told your dad that I wanted to go so, we did." We continued to talk about different churches in the area and where they may visit. They have gone every week since with the exception of one, and they were out of town. I'm still a little unclear on what caused the stirring in their hearts to return to church, however, I won't dare question it. I will just smile and know that God still answers prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God does work in his own timing doesn't he? To us 15 years seems like a very long time..but for Him..it's like blinking your eye. I'll never get that I don't think..but someday when I get to heaven (don't you love it when people say that) I will ask Him.