Friday, August 29, 2008

Prince Charming?

Do Princesses Really Kiss Frogs? that is a title of a children's book by Carmela LaVigna Coyle, those of you with little girls have probably read it or maybe heard about it. When I saw the title I started to think about the idea of Prince Charming. Does he really exist or his he an urban legend?

Growing up I was read Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, & all the other fairy tales and wanted to grow up to find my Prince just like every little girl in the world did. However, I never really stopped to think about what that meant. Did it mean that some horrible spell was going to come over me? Was I going to endure some sort of punishment until my Prince found me and rescued me from this terrible situation? What if the Prince that found me wasn't my Prince, he was just some random Prince trying to be nice by helping a poor girl out? What if he wasn't ready to commit? Then what, because he helped me according to the "rules" we have to live happily ever after?

I have a friend, who is getting married in December, and all she talks about is how her Prince has finally found her and she can finally be happy. Is this what girls believe? That a man is going to make them happy and that their life will be complete once they get married? I love my Prince, however I wish someone would have told me that he was going to leave the toilet seat up, his clothes may not always make it in the hamper, and all the cute funny things he did when we were courting might start to get on my nerves after a few years of matrimony. In reality I don't think I would have listened, but it would have been nice if someone would have at least tried to tell to me.

I know it doesn't come from reading girls fairy tales, but where does it come from? Why do some girls expect someone else to make them happy?

As young girls, we want to believe in Prince Charming. We want to think that there is someone out there that will rescue us in our our time of trouble, sweep us off our feet, make us completely happy, and never do anything to hurt or disappoint us. I am afraid that if we don't start telling the Princesses the truth they are going to be very disappointed in him. I'm not saying to stop reading them fairy tales, I'm just saying maybe we should add a disclaimer that states, "these are not actual events." He doesn't really ride up on a white horse, it may be a 4x4 truck instead.

I don't know. I just know that I'm trying to raise a potential Prince Charming, and teach him to be polite and to have good manners, and proper etiquette, it isn't easy. So far my greatest accomplishment in ten years is that he says "excuse me" after he burps, however that is usually followed with "that was a good one." That doesn't leave me with much hope for his future Princess, maybe she will have brothers and will understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello there, I visit your blog often to catch up with what is going on in your fam. your most recent post made me giggle. I don't have any input regarding the subject but I did enjoy your humor ;)
have a great day!