Friday, June 20, 2008

For Rene

Rene...I have been in your shoes, not wanting to go back to work full time. Let's be honest it stinks and for the record Gloria Steinem is not my hero. I don't have any wise words of advice for you and you didn't even ask for my opinion anyway, but I feel you need someone to tell you that it will be alright if you have to go back to work.
Don't think of it as a punishment, you have to think of it as a your mission field. If this is what your path is suppose to be God will place you in the right job where you can be a blessing to someone. He will open the door at a great child care center for Tatum & Evan, where someone there can be a blessing to you if you let them. That's the key, you have to allow someone to bless you. Yes, it is our job as parents "to bring our children up in the way of the Lord", nowhere does He say that you can't have help.
God will provide a way for you and your family to prosper, it may not be your way or even a way that you would prefer, it's just HIS WAY.
I hope you have found some comfort in the above words and know that I will continue to keep you and your family in my & peace, Nikki.

P.S. You asked me what I did for a living...I am a Property Manager for a commercial real estate firm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki,

thanks for the note. I do view it as encouragement and it does help to hear advice from another christian mom who is on the other side of the fence. most of my friends are stay at home moms. So I will be like the black sheep to speak. haha
I still have an usettling in my heart...perhaps it is due to my own selfish wants or desires for my children. Or some might say it is God tapping me on the shoulder saying "trust in me to provide a way...this is not the way".
I'm SO confused at this point I dont' know which one it is... I've begged the Lord to give me a very distinct sign...I'll be sure to let you know when I get it.

But thanks for the encouragement. Either way, you are going back to work doesn't suddenly make me a ungodly woman/mother who is totally thrown into the wicked world and doesn't love her children..LOL. it could be God's path for me and there could be a reason...and often times we don't see those effects until we look back.
Please keep Alexis, Tatum and Evan inyour prayers as this will greatly impact their little worlds... pray that the person who has them is a mirror of me and my love for them.
Have a great weekend and a safe trip.