Sunday, October 10, 2010

you can tell a lot about a girl by her shoes...

I get teased quite a bit about how much I love shoes. Honestly, I rarely leave a store without visiting the shoe section. When a pair catches my eye, it’s the only time I believe in love at first sight. When I slip them on for the first time and take those first few steps in them, I realize that it could be love. The price tag reveals that they are on sale, and then I know its destiny. I love my shoes so much that my daddy built me a six foot tall shoe cabinet to house them in. I currently have 53 pairs of shoes in it. That’s not all of them, but those are the ones that made the cut into the trophy case. There are very few things that make me feel as good as wearing a new pair of shoes.
Marilyn Monroe said, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” I can so relate to this statement. I feel extraordinarily confident, sexy, brazen, and sometimes even smarter in new shoes. I know it must sound silly to boys, but it’s true. Personally, I think all girls feel better in new shoes. If they say different I choose to believe they are liars. Recently, someone told me that I had too many pairs of shoes. He even suggested that I should throw some of them out. After I caught my breath, I started to think that he might be right. Then I quickly regained my right mind, proceeded to tell him, in a very polite way, that he was wrong and it really wasn’t any of his business anyway. That pretty much ended the conversation.
Not that I need to, but I was wondering if there was a way to justify having so many pairs of shoes, other than Miss Monroe’s statement. Then I came across Song of Solomon 7:1, “How beautiful are thy feet in sandals, O prince’s daughter!” Could this be it? Before some of you start judging me for trying to manipulate God’s word, for my own opinion, I know this verse is not God telling me to buy a thousand pairs of shoes. However, He did inspire every word written, I'm just saying. Obviously even God has an appreciation for footwear and thinks a woman’s foot looks good in a nice strappy number. Yes, I’m aware that it may be a stretch, but I’m claiming it. According to the word sandal(s) is used in 28 different verses (NIV). In Isaiah 52:7 and again in Romans 10:15 it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Why shouldn’t those feet be adorned with a great pair of shoes?
It comes down to this, most boys don't understand why girls have to have so many pairs of shoes. I have listed a few reasons boys might understand: We are trying to conquer the world and need the perfect red peep toes heels to do it in. We are tired of being kissed on the forehead, we need the high heels so we don’t have to stand on our tippy toes. The shoes went with the new dress that took your breath away. Buying the shoes was cheaper than buying the gun to shoot you with and not as permanent. Honestly, boys, the truth is that sometimes a pair of shoes really can change your life, just ask Prince Charming and Cinderella.

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