Sunday, February 22, 2009

THAT Number

So I have officially made it to that number. Girls, you know the one. The one that sticks in your head that you don't want to say out loud because you think it sounds awful and makes you sound so so old. "Hello, I'm Nikki Johnston and I'm thirty-_____." Oh, I almost told you!
I hate it. I hate that it really is THAT number. Mostly I hate it that it bothers me. However, I can't help but think about it. I even went as far as a couple of years ago changing my birthday, to "I LOVE NIKKI DAY!". Seriously, I did. It has caught on though. My parents will even say, "Happy I LOVE NIKKI DAY!" instead of the other. Presents are still welcomed, not required, but welcomed, they have to be because you love me, not because it's my birthday.
We have a small "grown-ups only" party, but instead of celebrating my birthday, we celebrate why we love me! During dinner we go around the table and everyone is required to say why they love me! No one is exempt. The reason you give has to be specific, for example, one of my favorites this year was "I love Nikki because she has no issue telling you the truth. Good or bad she tells you."
I know the whole idea sounds ridiculous, but some time ago I read an article titled How to Wear Many Different Hats and Still Have Great Hair. I think as women we sometimes get lost under our hats. We have a wife hat, a mom hat, a chauffeur's hat, a chef's hat, a maid hat, a fireman's hat, a teacher hat, and the list goes on. While we are trying to wear all these different hats, usually more than one hat at a time, our hair goes flat. So, my "I LOVE NIKKI DAY!" is the day that I get my roots boosted, so to speak. It may sound silly, but I personally think that every girl needs that one day a year where she is the center of attention and that is the day you get to wear your favorite hat...your crown.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm Spinning...

It's four in the morning and my head is spinning. So please forgive me if I don't make any sense. Over the weekend someone I work closely with everyday fell from a ladder while trimming trees in his backyard. He sustained considerable damage to his neck and spinal cord. He never lost consciousness and his breathing has been stable which is a great blessing. An MRI confirmed severe bruising to the spinal cord. The result of this damage at the current time is paralysis below the shoulders.

As the week has gone on I just keep feeling more helpless. I am trying to remain positive and hopeful, but as the week drags and there is no change and the surgery to stabilize his neck keeps getting delayed it is harder and harder to be positive. Tommy has great faith in God and has told me several times that every one's life is by HIS design and everything is in HIS time. Tommy continues to smile, even in his current condition. I know deep in my heart that he will make the best of this situation and use it to inspire others.

As I'm laying here awake I have started to think about something that my friend Rene wrote months ago regarding Matthew 8:23-27, the passage when Jesus calmed the storm. Forgive me Rene if I mess it up, no matter what storm is in our life we need to keep our faith in HIM and hold onto the boat, because HE will bring us to the other side. I just keep telling myself to hold onto the boat.

Please keep Tommy, his family, and those of us that work with him in your prayers. The family has started a blog, which is being updated daily, so others can stay in touch with his recovery He has two teenage sons and a wonderful wife who are starting to wobble and worry a bit. They need to be lifted up and surrounded by Gods comfort and peace. Tommy's favorite quote came from a fortune cookie a long time ago and it is taped to his computer at the office, "Don't worry about the stock market. Invest in family." Tommy is a true investor in family and we need to do whatever we can to keep them strong.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Last Week

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Philippians 1:3 (KJV).
That verse has always been one of my favorites. It was read at our wedding, at Kyler's dedication, and when he was baptized. Now I will use it one more time for those who helped us last week.
On January 27th a massive ice storm hit Northwest Arkansas covering the area with approximately 2-3 inches of ice. We lost power on Tuesday around 11am. Which meant no heat. We kept checking the electric company's website on our phones to see when they expected to have it back up, Wednesday by midnight was the report. No problem, we can stick it out. We spent the day in darkness listening to the tree limbs snap. Monopoly by candlelight anyone? We slept cuddled together in our bed.
Wednesday morning we woke to a very cold house, we could see our breath, it was cold! We checked the website again, now it was "With an additional 1,150 tree and power crew personnel from Kansas City, Oklahoma, Missouri, and North Carolina we expect 95% restoration by midnight Saturday." What now? All the hotels in the area were either full or without power. Then my friend, Christy, called and told me that her mom had power and her family of seven were going over there and we were to bring our pillows and clothes and get our hineys over there! We could stay until they restore our power. Kevin was very hesitant, but swallowed his pride and did what was best for his family. So we loaded up and went to Nancy's. On Thursday Christy received a call from her neighbor and said that the power had been restored in their neighborhood. We loaded up again and headed to Christy's. I have never felt more like a refugee in my life! Still no power at my own house!
Friday after work we loaded up again and headed to OKLAHOMA. Still checking the website still the same, midnight Saturday. We stayed at my parents all weekend and woke up early on Monday morning and drove the hour and half to Fayetteville to work. Still no power at our house.
Early Monday afternoon about 1:00 Kevin called and said that he went by our house and there were electric trucks on our street! FINALLY! At about 3:00 our electricity was back on! I joked, it took someone from North Carolina to restore our power!
How do you thank someone for giving your family a warm place to sleep, a hot shower, and giving you electricity again? On Sunday we went to church with Kevin's parents and their pastor said this, "A burden shared, is a blessing shared." My family was blessed by other people last week by sharing in our burden. I only hope that someday I get a chance to share someones blessing.

Ice Storm 2009

looking north down our street

the pine tree in our backyard

the tree in our neighbors backyard