Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Last Week

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." Philippians 1:3 (KJV).
That verse has always been one of my favorites. It was read at our wedding, at Kyler's dedication, and when he was baptized. Now I will use it one more time for those who helped us last week.
On January 27th a massive ice storm hit Northwest Arkansas covering the area with approximately 2-3 inches of ice. We lost power on Tuesday around 11am. Which meant no heat. We kept checking the electric company's website on our phones to see when they expected to have it back up, Wednesday by midnight was the report. No problem, we can stick it out. We spent the day in darkness listening to the tree limbs snap. Monopoly by candlelight anyone? We slept cuddled together in our bed.
Wednesday morning we woke to a very cold house, we could see our breath, it was cold! We checked the website again, now it was "With an additional 1,150 tree and power crew personnel from Kansas City, Oklahoma, Missouri, and North Carolina we expect 95% restoration by midnight Saturday." What now? All the hotels in the area were either full or without power. Then my friend, Christy, called and told me that her mom had power and her family of seven were going over there and we were to bring our pillows and clothes and get our hineys over there! We could stay until they restore our power. Kevin was very hesitant, but swallowed his pride and did what was best for his family. So we loaded up and went to Nancy's. On Thursday Christy received a call from her neighbor and said that the power had been restored in their neighborhood. We loaded up again and headed to Christy's. I have never felt more like a refugee in my life! Still no power at my own house!
Friday after work we loaded up again and headed to OKLAHOMA. Still checking the website still the same, midnight Saturday. We stayed at my parents all weekend and woke up early on Monday morning and drove the hour and half to Fayetteville to work. Still no power at our house.
Early Monday afternoon about 1:00 Kevin called and said that he went by our house and there were electric trucks on our street! FINALLY! At about 3:00 our electricity was back on! I joked, it took someone from North Carolina to restore our power!
How do you thank someone for giving your family a warm place to sleep, a hot shower, and giving you electricity again? On Sunday we went to church with Kevin's parents and their pastor said this, "A burden shared, is a blessing shared." My family was blessed by other people last week by sharing in our burden. I only hope that someday I get a chance to share someones blessing.

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