Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things about Me...

Recently, a friend called me quirky, I've been called worse. So, I agreed and went on about my day. Last night I started thinking about all my "quirks" so i decided to list some of them for you...

I always eat with a little fork (salad fork)

I always put the creamer in my cup before the coffee...I don't like the way the creamer "bubbles" when you pour it into hot coffee

I drink from the same spot on my travel coffee mug, left of the logo, so I only have lip stick marks on one side of my cup

I always put my lipstick on in the car

In twelve years of marriage we have never ran out of toilet paper, but we always run out of trash can liners

I love buying jackets and coats, but hate to wear them, however I love to wear hats and gloves

I love going to the Farmer's Market, yet I rarely buy anything

I can touch my nose with my tongue

I like a schedule...kinda freak out when I don't have one

I have trouble putting mascara on my left eye but excel at applying it to my right

I love watching old Audrey Hepburn movies on Sunday afternoons

I order everything on the side

I love mixing bowls, you can not beat a good set of bowls

I love to watch people when they think no one is looking

I like to cook "production dinners" (Christmas and Thanksgiving), but hate cooking dinner

I sing the song OKLAHOMA, in my head and sometimes out loud, when we cross the state line

I'm addicted to my Blackberry

I eat Red Velvet Cake Batter Ice Cream from Maggie-Moo's because it reminds me of my wedding cake

I'm sure there are more but that is all I can think of right now. If you know of any that I left off, please feel free to share them!

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