Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things about Me...

Recently, a friend called me quirky, I've been called worse. So, I agreed and went on about my day. Last night I started thinking about all my "quirks" so i decided to list some of them for you...

I always eat with a little fork (salad fork)

I always put the creamer in my cup before the coffee...I don't like the way the creamer "bubbles" when you pour it into hot coffee

I drink from the same spot on my travel coffee mug, left of the logo, so I only have lip stick marks on one side of my cup

I always put my lipstick on in the car

In twelve years of marriage we have never ran out of toilet paper, but we always run out of trash can liners

I love buying jackets and coats, but hate to wear them, however I love to wear hats and gloves

I love going to the Farmer's Market, yet I rarely buy anything

I can touch my nose with my tongue

I like a schedule...kinda freak out when I don't have one

I have trouble putting mascara on my left eye but excel at applying it to my right

I love watching old Audrey Hepburn movies on Sunday afternoons

I order everything on the side

I love mixing bowls, you can not beat a good set of bowls

I love to watch people when they think no one is looking

I like to cook "production dinners" (Christmas and Thanksgiving), but hate cooking dinner

I sing the song OKLAHOMA, in my head and sometimes out loud, when we cross the state line

I'm addicted to my Blackberry

I eat Red Velvet Cake Batter Ice Cream from Maggie-Moo's because it reminds me of my wedding cake

I'm sure there are more but that is all I can think of right now. If you know of any that I left off, please feel free to share them!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

BCS Championship Game II

It has taken us a few days to get over the shock of Oklahoma losing to Florida. I would like everyone to know that we are doing much better now. We thank you for the calls of concern. Kevin doesn't have much to say regarding the Sooners loss only to say, "we shot ourselves in the foot" and "how do you have the ball that close to the goal line twice and not score?"

With the Hogs beating Oklahoma and Texas in basketball and Florida winning the BCS it has been difficult living in Fayetteville the last couple of weeks. We just keep wearing our Crimson and Cream proudly, because we know that it is better to be a Sooner than a Hog any day!

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I received this email this afternoon from my husband who never makes plans for anything, so I had to share it...

Itinerary for Tonight
4:00 Leave work; get gasoline on the way home
4:45 Turn on stove to preheat
5:00 Shower and select
Sooner attire for Championship
5:30 Start cooking goodies for Championship tailgating festivities for JOHNSTON family. Maybe a lil pre-game tossing of football (baseball) in front yard to calm nerves
6:30 Be in front of TV for
7:00 Be finished eating and trying to relax
7:19 Kick-off---- no more talking in the house unless it is
touchdown celebrations or massive hits—the bigger the hit the louder and more obnoxious the noise
Kevin Johnston